The Iron Range Net (IRN) maintains a log of all those stations checking into the net, keeping a running total of the number of check-ins for each station. George, KR6FB, maintains the log and awards the certificates. Due to the cost of printing and postage ($4.00 to send a mountable certificate by USPS) , if your email is not listed on QRZ – please provide George with your email address so that a printable electronic version of the certificate can be sent to you.
IRN Hall of Fame
As the Iron Range Net looks forward to awarding the first of its certificates for 900 check-ins, commemorating past awards is a flash from the past.
Proposed 900th Certificate of Participation Unveiled
Nine hundred (900) check-ins is a real show of dedication. It represents 17 and one third (17.3 ) years of getting on the air at 8 AM on a Saturday and making contact through some times bad conditions to say, “Good Morning” to a likewise dedicated net controller. In recognition of all that hard work, just imagine the labor our Minnesota miners spent in making the world’s largest open pit iron oar mine featured below by the Hull Rust Mine in Hibbing , Minnesota.
That said, perhaps the 1000th certificate should commemorate the control operators that have given their time over the 19 years that will have passed by the 1000th check-ins made sine the year 2007 when the first check-in was recorded.
Make your voice and ideas known by leaving comments at the end of this page.
Net Preamble
Net control operators are welcome to utilize the suggested preamble to call the net.
Read More ...Using the Log
The log allows users to look up their number of check-ins by simply entering their call sign. Read more to learn how to use this interactive log or go directly to the Iron Range Net Log.
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KR6FB, George – The net preamble has been marked up from the last reversion to eliminate short-time check-ins. As you run the net, the format is up to you. The format was presented as a guide to those considering taking on the role of NCS and not sure how to go about it.
I am a snowbird from Eveleth (WE6J) listening from Palmetto Florida – just south of Tampa – on an SDR site in Cleveland Ohio. Now I can enjoy it here as well as back home. 73
I was surprised that my check in number was only 16. I have been checking in for at least two years both on the actual radio and via remote. In the two years, I might have missed two or three Saturdays.
LeRoy W0LMK Duluth & Harlingen,TX
Congratulations, the Certificate is in the mail. Thank you for being a regular participant in our net. You are now working on your 300 th check-in!
Thanks, George for making quick work of the revisions in the log as we put the finishing touches on it after its roll out this Saturday. As we progress any needed additions or changes can be brought to George and my attention by just leaving a comment. The comments of an administrative nature will be acted upon and those of interest to the Net members will be posted for others to read and respond to if appropriate.
Great job George!!! I wasn’t sure what you were going to come up with and I can’t see how it could be any better than this.
I appreciate you hard work in ham radio.
John, KE0BAQ Lutsen