Mesabi Wireless Amateur Radio Club

Mesabi Wireless MastHead

Welcome to the MeWA web page. You will find club news and information better suited to this format than social media.  Page down to read the latest meeting notes or  review the club’s inventory of donated items for sale and membership use.


A group of Amateur Radio Operators located on the Iron Range of Minnesota dedicated to “promote radio knowledge, fraternal ism, and individual operating efficiency and to so advance the interest of amateur radio in the community”. This purpose is accomplished through liaison with public service agencies, community education, and group activities.The club is affiliated with ARES/RACES, ARRL , and SKYWARN. Meetings are held monthly on the second Thursday at 6:30PM at Messiah Lutheran Church in Mt. Iron, MN. A weekly net is conducted on Sundays at 8 PM on the Virginia LSAC repeater LSAC repeater on 147.060 MHz with a + shift and a 103.5 Hz tone. The net can also be accessed from the Ely Repeater on 146.640 MHz with a – shift and a 151.4 Hz tone. For those in the Tower area, access is provided on 443.500 MHz with a – shift and a 141.3 Hz tone. Severe weather nets in which spotter observations and National Weather Service bulletins are exchanged are conducted on this same repeater as weather conditions warrant .

Severe Weather Net Activation

Coordination between the National Weather Service (NWS) and severe weather spotters trained by  NWS is crucial to the timely notification of the public and reporting of severe weather conditions.

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Calling a Weather Net – Skywarn Program

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Calling a  Net – NE MN Public Service

The club sponsors a net every Sunday night at 8 PM local on the 147.060 MHz, Plus shift,  Tone of 103.5 Hz. It is hosted by the Virginia repeater. The net can also be accessed from the Ely Repeater on 146.640 MHz with a – shift and a 151.4 Hz tone. For those in the Tower area, access is provided on 443.500 MHz with a – shift and a 141.3 Hz tone. The net preamble follows:

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Meeting Notes/Minutes

Minutes or notes  from the  meetings are available for viewing in the following section.

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Any of the items identified above are available for use by any club member. The Club property use policy is stated as follows:

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As of 11/10/2016, the club membership has decided that the cost of a domain and hosted site are not cost effective. This page will provide web based access to content otherwise unavailable in convenient form from the Club’s Facebook Group Page or provide access to individuals without a Facebook account. The web page content is not sanctioned by the officers or members of the club unless specifically stated and is the sole responsibility of the web master who can be contacted by leaving a comment.

Mesabi Wireless Amateur Radio

MeWA Affiliations

14 thoughts on “Mesabi Wireless Amateur Radio Club”

    1. I have an HQ-129X that my dad bought new in 1947. I used it as my main receiver as a Novice from 1974 to 1976 and still have it operational now. Amazing old receiver.

  1. I am looking for a ham radio that i can carry in the boundary waters canoe area. get permit to use.

    i do not have internet at home. use once a week at library.

    1. A portable radio for the Boundary Waters brings up more questions than can be addressed here. There is spotty repeater coverage for the 2 Meter band where a handheld could be considered. Any other band is more of a challenge. The best advice I could offer is to hook up with an Amateur Radio Club in your area to explore the possibilities.

  2. Is there any interest in collaborating with installation of DMR capabilities. I see you have fusion and I understand your setup is at Fairview range. I’m interested in linking DMR equipment and antenna at the same location. I understand the fusion/wires x is here but want to expand the horizons for new amateur radio operators. I also understand the group want to include GMRS and I am in touch with our local gmrs repeater owner as well. Essentially, I’d like to see all services available here to complete the plethora of frequencies.
    I am located here in Hibbing. Thanks.

    1. James, I hope you were able to explore the possibilities during the MeWA Club meeting of April 11. Hope you can make more meetings in the future.

      Don, N0AGX

    1. Sorry for the late response. The Ely, Grand Rapids and Duluth radio clubs offer amateur VE testing. The tet schedules are published on the ARRL web site for the ARRL sponsored testing. Event announcements can generally be heard on the respective club’s weekly 2M nets.

      Hope that helps.
      Don Downs, N0AGX

  3. The Timberjay is publishing a notice of the Skywarn Spotter training this week. Can we include a phone number as a contact?

    1. John Lindquist, ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator, is contact person for the Skywarn training session. He may be reached at (218) 750-6614.

      Don Downs, MeWA Secretary
      (218) 262-6343

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